Khamis, 25 Jun 2009

Tentang Bola!!

(Pemain termahal d Dunia)
Hari ni aku nk ckp tentang bola ckit..aku ni peminat Mancester United..n bkn peminat aku syok tgk gaya pmainan dia la..ckup brskill..cuma skrg dia dah berpindah ke Real Madrid dgn harga 93 juta euro...bygkn berapa byk jmlh yg d byr oleh kelab Real Madrid bg dtkn khidmatnya...aku xmrh..x kisah..cuma dlm keadaan ekonomi yg meleset ni..industri bola @ ekonomi bola mcm x terkesan lgsg ke???bgaimana mrk mampu mbyr sbyk 2..aku jgk lihat byk kelab mula mengeksploitasi bnda2 cam ni...mrk cenderung utk mjual pemain mereka dgn tnda harga yg agak tggi..yg agak krg munasabah...spt cubaan Man City dlm mmbeli Kaka..mrk sggp melabur shgga 100 juta pound..bygkn..jumlah yg sbegitu tggi...Ronaldo dahulu hnya bjmlah 12 juta pound shj..kini hrganya sudah mencecah 93 juta uero..melambung dgn drastik..wahh...hrga yg perlu dibyr bg mndptkn khidmat pemain terbaik...jd utk mndptkn pemain tbaik..kelab perlu melabur dgn harga yg tggi...kalau la situasi ni brlaku kat Malaysia..mcm mn agaknya ye..fikir2kn..

5 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...


eventhough im not a big fan of football maniac, but just a little of sharing..hahaha(from the point of view of business strategy arr..eventhough im not a bisnes student maa..hahhaa)

football teams operate in intensely competitive markets.
Success n failure are both very visible. The rewards for success are enormous n failure is painfully public. The performance of no other industry is subjected to such public and immediate scrutiny.

it is just the players, as most fans would expect n also knowledge of the principles of
competitive business strategy as an essential pre-requisite to understanding why they become a giant in football things la..

if we could realise(kalu perasan la kan), there are two different strategies for managing a sports competition. One is
"leaving it to the market", the other involves redirecting some financial and player
resources from the stronger teams to the weaker, on the basis that it creates a more even
competition and hence continuing public interest, as well as greater financial stability
across the competing clubs. These are remarkably different strategies, and rest on differing
views about the real basis of competition.huh? this is totally business thing maa..

this is what we call : The market-driven strategy that is essentially based on an internal view of competition, with
individual football teams striving to create advantage based on the ability to buy the best
players, and competition directed towards other teams in the league.

The equalisation strategy sees football competing against all other entertainment and strives to distribute the intrinsic value of the game across all teams in the league. Here, the playing field for
financial and player resources is largely levelled. In this approach, consistently winning
teams are often those that create organisation capabilities advantages beyond the range of
individual players talents.

hurm, this is soo business2 things..hahaha..thats also make me ponder a bit..once upon a time..hahaha...

Mr. Straw berkata...

wsalam..panjang lebar sggh hujah anda..smpai sy pon x fhm dah...

Mr. Straw berkata...

wsalam..panjang lebar sggh hujah anda..smpai sy pon x fhm dah...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

bagus2..chek nih mmg..haha
dalam base yg paling senang.if may, let me highlight few things laa..

1. futball club is a very competitive industry.where lot of money can be generated.

2. it is about player+ fans, n excellent business strategy+ branding(cam futbal club yg outstanding such as man U, chelsea etc..have lots of fan worldwide..) they gain profit?
if they won trophy: increase their profit, sell best player at high price also conttibute profit.
merchandise+ branding+ stadium+ sponsporship..+ extra services lagi laa..

all in: excellent business strategy+ branding+ worldwide target market + outstanding player(transfer, buy, sell) can generate lot of profit into outstanding football club..

pendeknya cam tuh la..and of course there must be few hiden things inside la..huahauhauahau..

just a 2 cent notion ja..

paan muncul lg..mesti rindu kan...hahaha berkata...

syuk,sape zina tu